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Nicolas de Crémiers

Marketing Director with entrepreneurial spirit, true agile person with strong leadership and managerial skills into multi cultural environment.

Nicolas de Crémiers
45 years old
Driving License
Saint Cloud (92210) France
Professional Status
About Me
  • I'm a curious, passionated, risk taker, enthusiast Marketing Specialist.
  • I've the ability to motivate teams around exciting challenges, using simple words to explain complex concepts, and convince people that my visions and objectives are the one to follow.
  • I've spent 12 years in small and large companies and then I created my own company, learning a lot of things through the joys and sorrows of entrepreneurship.
    Expertises in : Marketing, Business models, Mobile Apps , Wireless technologies, Urban mobility.
  • Leading French name in computer vision software publishing. XXII designs, develops and markets to public and private a SaaS platform for real-time video stream analysis: XXII CORE.
  • Define, manage and lead the WW Marketing strategy : communication action plan, PR/Lobbying/Social Media, fairs…
  • Define, manage and lead Business Plan and Marketing Budget,
  • Define and monitoring of KPI's,
  • Support the development of AV activities with business clients/key stakeholders & strengthen relationships with partners located across the World (NAM, Asia, Europe) in new mobility technologies.
  • Drop don’t park provides an innovative on-demand parking and concierge service for urban drivers. Whose objective is to reduce the environmental footprint and economic impact produced by daily parking.
  • Track record : lean startup, product definition and launch, fund raising, team building, business plan, CRM, PR, ...
Company website
  • Define, manage and lead the Marketing strategy : products and applications line management, communication action plan, PR/Lobbying/Social Media, partnership…
  • Define, manage and lead Business Plan and Marketing Budget,
  • Brand Stretching and 5 years strategical action plan management.

    Achieved : Memorendum of agreement signed with french governement to legalize the category (July2011). Turnover +100%. Brand awareness +40pts. The french paid Application most downloaded overallstores + 1Mu. Attachement rate +15pts…
  • Product strategy, Sales and Marketing plan definitions: line of products definition,category management, communication action plan definition, products life cycles monitoring, …
  • Define the brand licensing strategy and deal partnership agreements for licensing products
  • Products analysis manager (quantitative/qualitative surveys)
  • Management and lead of new manufacturers (ZTE/Huawei)

    Achieved : Budget Management of 3M€ (surveys/communication). Rationalization/optimization of the range (+10% cost reduction on subsidies – budget 400M€/Y). Over 500K brand licensing products sold in 2009 under 4.5Mu (Zadig & Voltaire, Cerruti 1881, Eden Park, Rip Curl, Hello Kitty ...). Definition and management of the range of products under the Google OS (Android).
  • Define the communication strategy
  • Piloting actions and coherence of the media and below the line campaign
  • Analysis and assessment manager of media operations (TV/Press/Web)
  • Management and lead of the agencies
  • Tracking and management of the brand image respects

    Achieved : Launch of the new brand campaign saga “Creation of the list” (bronze Lion at the CannesInternational Advertising Festival 2008, +3% on the main items of images). Redefinition of goals in press and web media campaigns (+3pts TOM share and +10pts on the transformation rate on the web).
  • Definition of the POS/Trade Marketing tools and tracking of the operational deployment
  • Piloting the launch of offers/products – in line with the company's strategy and quality goals

    Achieved : Budget Management of 10M€. Rationalization/optimization of the tools and budgets (+5pts mind share/visibility and +20% cost reduction on the budget). Creation and management of the Bouygues Telecom’s photo library. Development and tracking the deployment of: Digital Signage and Category Management.
  • Management of the custormer loyalty program and below the line campaign in order todevelop the income

    Achieved : Creation of a customer loyalty program. Significant increase in the rates of VMS, SMS campaigns (+10%). Cross Project Management : e-mailing campaign, MMS,….
  • International marketing survey on the mobile and global digital market
  • Provide new promotionnal offers/stands to other subsidiary within the group in Europe

    Achieved : Setting appropriate offers developed by subsidiaries in relation to the type of customers (+18pts on sales accessories during christmas with a global net marger of 800k£).